Saturday, May 29, 2010

mini projects, part two

A friend donated this Thai spirit house to the mini cause and I couldn't stop thinking about the forest it needed to be in, so, I made one.I wanted a terraced garden box with legs and realized I was going to have to build it myself.It took some geometry to get the top diamond to stand perfectly on the bottom rectangle, and about a hundo in wood for the 4' x 2'10" planter.
I put it all together in about 4 hours, and spent another two planting it.

Now the back porch needs to be organized and cleaned so I can enjoy it fully.The fountain works (the wire is buried and sticks out the side) but I don't want to leave it running because that would be a waste of electricity, and I don't want to leave standing water in it or mosquitoes will take over. Maybe I'll replace it with a zen rock garden. I still need some more of that tiny palm (for a lower bamboo forest around back), more juniper, some sheet moss to imitate grassy hills, and a couple more bonsai. Benches, bridges and fencing will add detail.

Also, the spirit house itself needs some repair, sanding and maybe painting.I need to clean out the inside and make a banquet table with an elaborate satin or brocade runner and give the house a treasure, maybe that "jade" (glow in the dark) buddha. I need to find some tiny vases for flowers and incense, and maybe some tiny worshipers.

If the sanding doesn't go well, I might try to go with traditional colors: white, green, gold.
Still so much work to do...

mini projects, part one

making new tables for the bed room,

and a shelf for the kitchen

new room layout with new loving family deluxe bed, and the two balsa wood tables I made..

also, i made some sailor moon tv screens for my sylvanian tv
